The Famous Platinum Coins in 2023 to Purchase
The rarity of platinum makes it a valuable asset to an investment portfolio compared to gold or silver. Its rarity can mean that even modest changes in the metal's supply or demand can significantly impact its price. Due to its undervaluation and cost, which is about half that of gold, platinum is considered a profitable investment. Recently, several eye-catching coin programs that allow investors to B uy Platinum Coins have been developed. 2023 Platinum Maple Leafs The 2023 Platinum Maple Leaf coins were released 30 years ago this year. The Platinum Maples were once offered in four different weights, but as of this writing, they are only available in a 1-ounce quantity. For the last time, Queen Elizabeth II is shown on the coin's reverse side. It displayed Susanna Blunt's fourth-generation design in 2003. The purity is indicated on the reverse side, along with a sugar maple leaf created by Walter Ott for the series in 1979 and inscribed in 1 ounce of 99.5% pure platinum. ...